Become an Officer of the CPWVa

What is the Constitution Party of West Virginia?
The Constitution Party of West Virginia is an affiliation of voters representing “principle over politics,” who desire to restore our Union to a limited, republican form of government rooted in Biblical principles, and pertaining to the Declaration of Independence, United States Constitution, Constitution of the State of West Virginia, and their respective Bill of Rights, in finality, & as originally intended.

How often does the Constitution Party of West Virginia meet?
The Constitution Party of West Virginia holds telephone conference calls for both; official business meetings on Monday nights, with a specific call-in code for Committee Members, & another, for advertised public discourse, when such meetings are available. The Executive Board meets at least once a year, and the Executive Committee meets at least twice per year. The Chair may call special meetings as needed. A Convention is held bi-ennually for nominating candidates to special elections as called by the Executive Committee.


  • What are the duties of party leadership?
  • A. Preside over all state party meetings and conventions;
  • B. Oversee the finances of the state party;
  • C. Nominate candidates for national party and public office;
  • D. Approve state party appointments through a vetting process;
  • E. Approve and recognize affiliate organizations;
  • F. Ensure compliance with the philosophy and platform of the Party platform.


Description of Officer Duties:
CHAIRMAN: shall be the chief executive of both the Board and Executive Committee, and shall be responsible for the day-to-day management and administration of all party affairs and business, subject to these bylaws. The Chairman shall set measurable goals in pursuit of party objectives, set agendas and conduct meetings, and shall, in general, positively and enthusiastically lead the Party. The Chairman shall not have any parliamentary votes except to break ties, but may, of course, still vote for party officers and nominate candidates. The unique powers of the Chairman are that he may call semi-closed (only registered CP voters), or totally closed (voting members only) meetings as situations may arise, and is the only party officer authorized to issue formal press releases. The Chairman also has the power to make appointments and form special committees as needed.

VICE- CHAIRMAN: is chiefly responsible for developing and promoting constitutionalism and related activities among the several county councils. The ViceChairman is also responsible for the arrangement and co-ordination of each state meeting location, facility, and time. Additionally, the Vice-Chairman assumes the duties of the Chairman in his absence. If the vice-chair is absent, the Secretary will serve as acting Chairman. The Vice- Chairman is responsible for tracking the Chairman’s goals and ensuring regular progress and reports of such. He shall recruit, appoint, and motivate Directors for each of the eight county councils in the state.

SECRETARY: shall keep the official records of the Party, including, but not limited to, minutes of all meetings and membership and attendance lists. The Secretary shall also make regular inquiries to the Secretary of State to ascertain members’ voter registration status. Additionally, the Secretary may appoint the Historian and create and administer Oaths of Office.

TREASURER: shall keep the Party’s financial records including its checkbook and bank statements. The Treasurer shall prepare income and expenditure reports at least on a quarterly basis, and shall provide an annual balance sheet showing the assets and liabilities of the Party to the Board. Additionally, the Treasurer manages the receipts and distributions of the Party and is responsible for fulfilling state and federal reporting requirements.

REGIONAL COUNCIL DIRECTOR: there are 7 geographic regions of the state party. As we expand, these positions will become available. More information will be upcoming soon.

COUNTY COORDINATORS: are the face of the party, representing the party’s position of things within that community, and are the lead contact persons through whom the public seeks information about the party, and its ongoing expansion within the county, such as; the establishment of CTC’s ( Constitution Town Committees).

CONSTITUTION TOWN COMMITTEES: are also known as simply; CTC’s, and are the local organization within each town and city that represents the Constitution Party to its residents. More information will be upcoming soon.

TRUSTEES: maintain elected representation on committees and likewise yield committee representation on the Board. This provides congruence between the activities of nominated and elected officers. There shall be a minimum of two Trustees, with each Trustee serving on at least one Committee and each Standing Committee comprised of at least one Trustee. Trustees may serve as committee chairmen as needed.

NATIONAL COMMITTEEMEN: represent the interests of the state party at national meetings and conventions and are to be of such numbers as in accordance with Sections 2.3A and Article IV of the National Party bylaws. National Committeemen shall serve on national committees, debate and discuss national platform issues and concerns, nominate presidential and vice- presidential candidates, and perform other duties in accordance with said bylaws.

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