Fall Statewide Committee Meeting, October 30’th 2021

Here are Video Links to 5 speakers at the CPWV Oct. 30’th State Committee Meeting, held in Parkersburg

John Leyzorek, of Pocahontas County, WV will explain TACTICAL CIVICS™ , a national plan and organization, devoted to restoring our Constitutional Republic, by the means specified in the our Constitution itself. TACTICAL CIVICS™ is a comprehensive, peaceful, lawful, staged operation, with County Chapters now in over 225 Counties in 45 States, and growing. TACTICAL CIVICS™ shows how We the People can establish actual enforcement of our Constitution, starting in our own Counties, working from there to the States and the federal government. The Constitution Party meets because we venerate our Constitution; Mr. Leyzorek will show us how to enforce it.

Pastor Bo Burgess, the director of West Virginia Baptists for Biblical Values, spends time each week traveling to the capitol in Charleston to meet with government officials, engage other pastors and churches to connect with their senators and delegates, and simply be a light for our Lord Jesus Christ. If you would like to more information about contacting your representatives or supporting West Virginian Baptists for Biblical Values, please contact Pastor Burgess. God bless you and may God bless the great state of West Virginia!

Phil is an active Patriotic American, exposing the truth of Covid, Mandates, and much more. He will give a brief overview and update on the ‘Bill Of Peace 2020’ and several other things. He is a retired School Teacher of many years, and enjoys studying all things via the ‘Scientific Method’ of investigation. He has a weekly podcast on Brighteon, and manages Hudok.info, among other things.
