Purple Donkephant Auctions

Introducing: The Purple Donkephant Auctions
Everybody knows what a white elephant is, right? …. Well, here at the CPWVa, we’re equal opportunity offenders. Here for your window shopping perusal (click the image) is our fine and dandy bizzare collection of supporter donated eclectic, rejected, but not neglected curios, doodads, whatnots, thingamajigs, and general balderdash.
To place your generous bids, PLEASE JOIN US at the Summersville Dam overlook on June the 15th, 2024 for our 20th Anniversary Celebration.
COOKOUT and auction preview begins at noon with the PARTY FUNDRAISER LIVE AUCTION commencing at 3:00pm; entertainment to follow. Bring your friends, neighbors, strangers, and family. To donate YOUR OWN donkephants, please contact us at chairman@cpwva.org. We perform this feat on Saturday, this production will be second to none. Having been some days in preparation, a splendid time is guaranteed for all!