How to Get Involved with the CPWVa

Here is what you can DO to Affect Change in Your Community
…………Volunteer to be an active member of the Today !

Watch this 4 &1/2 minute video, to learn what you can do, to affect a positive change in your community. πŸ˜ƒ

How to actually get involved with the Constitution Party to be beneficial in it. To join us, go to:



We are looking to form a Strategic Advisory (Steering), & Organizing Committee that will meet weekly to discuss ideas to develop specific plans of action to execute. Included in that; there will be future positions open, to become the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer of the State & County Organizing Committees, while we create the local CTC’s (Constitution Town Committees) within each County.

Now is the time to capitalize upon this election season & grow the Constitution Party like never before! The number of dissatisfied, disenfranchised, Morally Conservative, Constitutional Voters has not decreased & in many areas; has continued to INCREASE.


Now is the time for this party to SHINE!  β˜€οΈ πŸ˜€ β˜€οΈ


There is a political war coming on the horizon. The battles have already begun all across America. You see or hear about them nearly everyday. We need champions here in the Wild and Wonderful State of West Virginia, where Mounteneers are Always Free. Rise up and be counted alongside other free Americans & publicly declare the Victory of Liberty, over the Subjugation of Tyranny!

Calling upon all moral minded, Constitutional Conservatives to immediately join us in the coming revolutionary war of Non Violence & Civics. The enemy; “Leftist Liberalism” is on the march, towards total annihilation of our Constitutional Republic.

Calling all ...... Lawyers, Scientists, Nurses, Doctors, & EMTs.
All Strategists, Accountants, Public Servants, and Plumbers.
Calling All ............... Waitstaff, Mechanics, Actors, & Authors.
All ......... Business Owners, Managers, Investors & Inventors.
All Trash Collectors, Laborers, Transportation Specialists, &
Truckers Too! (Like we could forget about YOU)

Calling upon everyday ordinary Patriotic Citizens of our Communities, to join with us NOW. Sign up for an adventure of a lifetime. Sign up for a cause that beats all other causes, a purpose that incorporates all other purposes in life. Brave men and women from all walks of life; we want you!

What can you do to help us, and ultimately; your country? There are a lot of things you can do, even if you think that you are not qualified, the truth is; you ARE qualified in your own unique way!


Among the great things you can do; is to be elected to your local:
  1. School Board, Town, or County Legislative Committee, representing the Constitution Party’s principled positions.
  2. You can also be a Supportive Volunteer/Staffer for our local candidates, Providing Transportation for other volunteers,
  3. Setting Up Events and Meetings, help with the Marketing, Advertising & Promotional Needs of a campaign (and of our party)
  4. Sign up to be on a Petition Signature Drive to get us on the Ballot, Obtain New Registered Voters, & Recruit for Membership Expansion, by Passing Out our Literature on the Constitutional Issues and Platform Positions.
  5. Attend our Conference Call Meetings and participate in strategizing on the issues that trouble your community, or to improve the party infrastructure.


Contact us, and we will explain more to you. There is an ongoing ‘war’ against your Right to Liberty. Which side will you be on? Message us, Email us, Call us. Bottom Line: Let’s talk βœ…

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