Constitutionist Candidates & Campaigns for Public Office

On this page; you will find information and resources about those who are willing to ‘Fight The Good Fight’ and run for public office, against the offenders responsible for corrupting our Constitutional Republic.

We would like to form a Candidate Committee, which shall recruit and train members to run for office with the Constitution Party of West Virginia. If you want to help with this training, volunteer for a campaign, or actually run for office yourself; then Please Contact Us Right Away!

This is critical.

The only real way to change the political landscape is to be in the political arena. We need Patriotic Men & Women that will run and be elected to office in order to vote on laws that ensure our Constitution is adhered to. This is the only way to exact the change we need, to become a Constitutional Republic again.

It’s imperative to Remember; ” If things don’t change, they remain the same. ”

Pillar One – INTEGRITY

We are committed to restoring honesty, integrity, and accountability to government.

Do you laugh when you hear a politician say that they are a person of honesty and integrity?

Do you disbelieve just about every promise that political candidates make when running for office?

Do you think that this is the proper relationship between the people and their elected officials?

The Constitution Party solemnly makes this promise to you:

We will hold all our party officers and leaders strictly accountable for their conduct. They will be held to the highest ethical standards in dealing with the public, donors, government officials, and candidates. Corrupt candidates come from corrupt parties. Honest and honorable candidates can only come from a party that insists that all its leaders have the same characteristics.

When interviewing potential candidates, a history and reputation of their character, integrity, and commitment to honesty will be just as important as their commitment to Constitution Party principles.

We will only be seeking candidates that accept and recognize that all elected officials are Public Servants. We are seeking Representatives, not Rulers.

Most importantly, Constitution Party candidates will be strongly encouraged to sign a contract with the voters that lists the campaign promises that they will guarantee to accomplish while in office or face consequences.

WHY A CONTRACT? When you deal with businesses and people that you do not know, the contract is the instrument that we use to ensure that both parties will keep their promises. Our politicians have shown that they cannot be trusted with their promises and we are not going to ask you to trust us. We will EARN IT by signing a contract that specifically lists the promises that our candidate makes and requires them to keep them.

The Constitution of the United States is a contract between the government and the people. Why should candidates be exempted from having a contract?



We have a plan, and it’s to build up a grassroots, ground-up approach; town by town, city by city, until the County you live in, is filled with law abiding, legislative office holders. The process is repeated until every county in the state, has a constitutional law abiding presence within it. Only Then; can we be ready to not only Run in a statewide race, but effectively have the foundation built upon, to WIN it as well.

It all starts …. right at home, where you are. As the saying goes: “All Politics Is Local “ & local politics is exactly the right place to focus upon. Through that; we can gain control over our own lives, and get the ‘government’ OUT of it!


Great News in 10 of our C.P. States ! …. Click it !

Now That You Have Read All Of The Above, And You Are Ready To Apply To Become A Candidate …. Fill This Out ✏ And Email 📤 It To Us!

S. Marshal Wilson 2024 candidate for governor

2020 Constitution Party of West Virginia Candidates

Don Blankenship

President of the United States

William Mohr

Vice – President of the United States

Phil Hudok

Sheriff of Randolph Co.

Hudok for Sherriff video Ad (watch below)

Michael Tremblay

Mike Tremblay For County Commission 2020