Written By:
S. Marshall Wilson, 2024 Candidate for Governor

My friends. the Constitution Party of West Virginia has established itself as a state-recognized party with the legal authority to place candidates directly onto the General Election ballot, and we are organizing for political revolution in West Virginia.
Chairman Amy Stull led the state party with wisdom and grace through the frenetic 2024 election season to accomplish the meticulous task of earning state recognition and ballot access. It would have been impossible to achieve this goal, given the intense (and occasionally annoying) personality of our 2024 candidate for WV Governor. All future success achieved by The Constitution Party in West Virginia will be founded upon the work of 2024.
Having accomplished her mission, Chairman Stull has lain down the burden of leadership for the next phase of the operation. I am unable to adequately express my personal gratitude for her focus, engagement, counsel, and friendship. She has taught me a great deal, and I have become a better Man due to her influence.
On Saturday, March 8, 2025, the Constitution Party of West Virginia (CPWV) elected Tricia Jackson as interim Chairman for the duration of Amy Stull’s term.
This election speaks volumes about the intent of the CPWV membership for future elections and other political operations. Tricia Jackson was a Republican County Commissioner in Jefferson County who was removed from office and arrested on a complaint orchestrated by members of the Jefferson County Republican Executive Committee which included the Commission President and other elected Republicans because she refused to participate in various unethical behaviors by members of the Commission.
We, the Constitution Party, are fully engaged and dedicated to establishing Constitutional governance in West Virginia regardless of the effort or sacrifice required. We don’t mind doing things the hard way. We are willing to sacrifice. We know that the two “major parties” will continue to throw impediments at us.
This is who we are. We were organized by tough-minded West Virginians over twenty years ago in association with the Constitution Party National Committee who have stood resolute on the principles upon which this nation was founded. In 2024, we drew upon all that we had learned to bulldoze our way through all impediments including three petty challenges by the campaign of the Republican candidate for WV Governor – the then-sitting Attorney General of West Virginia – intended to prevent the Constitution Party’s right to place our candidate for Governor on the 2014 General Election ballot. We earned more than double the required number of votes in the General Election to earn the right to place candidates for all positions on future WV ballots. Now, we have elected as WV Party Chairman, a woman who has been arrested for her stand against government corruption and we are organizing to go on the offensive against political corruption and for Constitutional governance in West Virginia.
The Democrats and Republicans have each squandered the opportunities offered them and abdicated the authorities delegated to them to root out corruption and to establish valid Constitutional governance in West Virginia.
We are recruiting serious-minded Patriots who have tired of the games, theater, and arrogance of our elected employees to serve the good people of West Virginia both as County Executive Committee members and as potential candidates for public service.
Don’t allow lack of experience in Party leadership or as a candidate for election to hinder you from joining up; in fact, such innocence is a benefit. We are looking for honest, humble, thoughtful citizens rather than self-promoters, performance artists, or slick political operators.
If you want nothing less than you want to be elected to public service and you want nothing more than you want to ensure that your children have the opportunity to raise their children in a free, just, prosperous, and secure land, holler at us. Let’s make it happen.
Shoot State Chaiman Tricia Jackson a private message indicating your willingness to engage.
Stand Fast, my Friends.
I’ll meet you on the High Ground