Special Announcement: Saturday March 8 2025 Leadership Update

Written By:
S. Marshall Wilson, 2024 Candidate for Governor

My friends. the Constitution Party of West Virginia has established itself as a state-recognized party with the legal authority to place candidates directly onto the General Election ballot, and we are organizing for political revolution in West Virginia.

Chairman Amy Stull led the state party with wisdom and grace through the frenetic 2024 election season to accomplish the meticulous task of earning state recognition and ballot access. It would have been impossible to achieve this goal, given the intense (and occasionally annoying) personality of our 2024 candidate for WV Governor. All future success achieved by The Constitution Party in West Virginia will be founded upon the work of 2024.

Having accomplished her mission, Chairman Stull has lain down the burden of leadership for the next phase of the operation. I am unable to adequately express my personal gratitude for her focus, engagement, counsel, and friendship. She has taught me a great deal, and I have become a better Man due to her influence.

On Saturday, March 8, 2025, the Constitution Party of West Virginia (CPWV) elected Tricia Jackson as interim Chairman for the duration of Amy Stull’s term.

This election speaks volumes about the intent of the CPWV membership for future elections and other political operations. Tricia Jackson was a Republican County Commissioner in Jefferson County who was removed from office and arrested on a complaint orchestrated by members of the Jefferson County Republican Executive Committee which included the Commission President and other elected Republicans because she refused to participate in various unethical behaviors by members of the Commission.

We, the Constitution Party, are fully engaged and dedicated to establishing Constitutional governance in West Virginia regardless of the effort or sacrifice required. We don’t mind doing things the hard way. We are willing to sacrifice. We know that the two “major parties” will continue to throw impediments at us.

This is who we are. We were organized by tough-minded West Virginians over twenty years ago in association with the Constitution Party National Committee who have stood resolute on the principles upon which this nation was founded. In 2024, we drew upon all that we had learned to bulldoze our way through all impediments including three petty challenges by the campaign of the Republican candidate for WV Governor – the then-sitting Attorney General of West Virginia – intended to prevent the Constitution Party’s right to place our candidate for Governor on the 2014 General Election ballot. We earned more than double the required number of votes in the General Election to earn the right to place candidates for all positions on future WV ballots. Now, we have elected as WV Party Chairman, a woman who has been arrested for her stand against government corruption and we are organizing to go on the offensive against political corruption and for Constitutional governance in West Virginia.

The Democrats and Republicans have each squandered the opportunities offered them and abdicated the authorities delegated to them to root out corruption and to establish valid Constitutional governance in West Virginia.

We are recruiting serious-minded Patriots who have tired of the games, theater, and arrogance of our elected employees to serve the good people of West Virginia both as County Executive Committee members and as potential candidates for public service.

Don’t allow lack of experience in Party leadership or as a candidate for election to hinder you from joining up; in fact, such innocence is a benefit. We are looking for honest, humble, thoughtful citizens rather than self-promoters, performance artists, or slick political operators.

If you want nothing less than you want to be elected to public service and you want nothing more than you want to ensure that your children have the opportunity to raise their children in a free, just, prosperous, and secure land, holler at us. Let’s make it happen.

Shoot State Chaiman Tricia Jackson a private message indicating your willingness to engage.

Stand Fast, my Friends.
I’ll meet you on the High Ground

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 02/26/2025 concerning DOGE

Elon Musk Department Of Government Efficiency PNG
Amy Stull
Constitution Party of West Virginia
Setting the Record Straight: The Constitution Party of West Virginia DOES NOT Oppose Job Cuts at Fiscal Services

Parkersburg, WV — The Constitution Party of West Virginia is issuing this statement to refute the false and misleading headline recently published by WTAP News, reading, “Constitution Party of WV Opposes Fiscal Service Job Cuts.” Contrary to this headline and the editing of the original interview, our party does support job cuts within our government that will create a smaller and more efficient use of our tax dollars and eliminating any and all jobs that are not necessary for the proper function of the government. The interview was to simply highlight how these cuts will affect our neighbors and a concern for our fellow man in our current economy.

Our platform has always been centered on upholding constitutional principles, defending individual liberties, and promoting responsible governance. We stand firmly against unnecessary government overreach and bureaucratic inefficiencies, but we also do not see those Federal employees affected by these job cuts as the enemy.

The Constitution Party of West Virginia remains committed to transparency, accountability, and truth in media. We urge WTAP News to correct the record and ensure accurate reporting in the future. In the meantime, we encourage the public to seek direct statements from our party to avoid misinformation.

For further inquiries or clarification, please contact us at chairman@cpwva.org.

About the Constitution Party of West Virginia

The Constitution Party of West Virginia is dedicated to preserving the principles of the U.S. Constitution, advocating for limited government, personal responsibility, and the protection of individual rights. We strive to provide West Virginians with a political alternative that truly represents their values.

March 16th 2024 Constitution Party of West Virginia State Convention & Elections Meeting

Shoney’s Restaurant Noon to 5:00 p.m.

131 Woodward Drive

Flatwoods West Virginia 26621


The Constitution Party of West Virginia announces that it will hold its 2024 biennial convention on Saturday, March 16, 2024, at the Flatwoods Shoney’s. The meeting will last from noon until 5:00 and attendees are encouraged to dine at the restaurant.

I. One purpose of the convention is to nominate candidates for statewide and legislative offices, presidential elector candidates, and delegates to the national party convention. All nominees for public office must be registered “Constitution Party” and meet the specific requirements for the office sought. They will also agree to uphold the state and national Constitution Party platforms.

All nominees will have the opportunity to make a brief statement about their candidacy and will have the opportunity to answer questions and campaign for support.

At this time, we have three members who are seeking nominations. Marshall Wilson, a former member of the state legislature, would like your support to become governor. Jeff Becker would like to be nominated for Secretary of State. And Rick Thomson would like the nomination for House of Delegates from the 91st District.

II. In addition, elections for Board officers will take place. Nominations for officers, including self-nominations, should be sent to the Executive Committee at P O Box 321, Weston, WV 26452, two weeks prior to the convention.

All Active, Life and Founding members in good standing are eligible to vote and participate. Anyone who is registered to vote as “Constitution Party” may become an Active Member by submitting a membership application and paying annual dues.

Plan to join us on this day as we attempt to restore the Republic by nominating candidates who support Constitutional government.

Welcome to our Rescheduled for August 2023 State Committee Meeting

Hello Patriot! 

We have great news!  Constitution Party of West Virginia has rescheduled its annual meeting.  The meeting will be held: 

August 26 from Noon to 5:00 PM  

at Steer SteakHouse, 359 Beverly Pike, Elkins, WV. 

More great news!  Our guest speaker, Nate Cain, will be telling us about his Uranium One whistle-blowing experience and other run-ins with the government agencies as well as other corruption that he is helping to expose.  You do not want to miss this!  Nate is also a Republican candidate for West Virginia’s 2nd District Congressman. 

If you are not yet an official member of CPWVa, now is a good time to become an Active Member ($25 annual dues) or Associate Member ($10 annual dues). 

America and our grandchildren need YOU to be an active protector of our Constitution and our culture. 


CPWVA, P O Box 321, Weston, WV  26378 

Watch these 3 facebook live videos of State Delegate Nate Cain.




Constitution Party Official Position Regarding Church Incorporation

Will religious freedom be written out of our history?

Some (including the ACLU and the West Virginia Legislature) argue that we must amend the West Virginia Constitution because current law treats religious organizations differently than non-religious entities by denying their First Amendment right to incorporate.  Actually, that is the point of the First Amendment – “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” NO law! Churches and religious organizations CANNOT be put under the laws of incorporation; they CANNOT be treated as a creation of the government as corporations are.

 IRS Pub 1828 says; “Churches that meet the requirements of IRC Section 501(c)(3) [which simply means they are churches] are automatically considered tax exempt and are not required to apply for and obtain recognition of tax-exempt status from the IRS.”

An incorporated church might become “tax exempt” (subject to the whims of the government and the bureaucrats running it!) but an unincorporated church is “non-taxable.”

Also from Pub 1828, Congress has enacted special tax laws that apply to churches, religious organizations and ministers in recognition of their unique status in American society and of their rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.  Churches and religious organizations are generally exempt from income tax and receive other favorable treatment under the tax law;”

 The West Virginia Constitution includes  “Provisions may be made by general laws for securing the title to church property, and for the sale and transfer thereof, so that it shall be held, used, or transferred for the purposes of such church, or religious denomination,” and that is why West Virginia has special laws for churches, including also exempting church property from taxation:  “(5) Property used exclusively for divine worship; (6) Parsonages and the household goods and furniture pertaining thereto; (7) Mortgages, bonds and other evidence of indebtedness in the hands of bona fide owners and holders hereafter issued and sold by churches and religious societies for the purposes of securing money to be used in the erection of church buildings used exclusively for divine worship or for the purpose of paying indebtedness thereon;” as well as cemeteries and benevolent property such as schools, orphanages, hospitals.

The prohibition on incorporating is REAL separation of church and state, as intended by the First Amendment.  The founders of our constitutional republic and of our state clearly believed that churches must be free of government control.

However, some people disagree with this foundational principle and want to eliminate the freedom and independence of the church that our Constitution and laws are based on.

 The West Virginia Nonprofit Corporation Act (2002 HB 2899, WV Code Chapter 31E) is a gargantuan law that, I’m fairly certain, covers every aspect of running a church that was left out of the Bible.  The authorizing bill was 140 pages; so it’s pretty likely that (contrary to what the Legislature claims) the state WILL tell churches how to run their organizations.

Furthermore . . . Do you realize that West Virginia is the lone holdout on keeping churches free of government?  Just imagine what the IRS can do, what restrictions it can impose, what chains it can use to bind Christ’s church, when that pesky holdout is eliminated?  If ALL churches are incorporated, then Pub 1828 can be re-written without the current reminders that churches are special and separate and naturally free of government control.  Yes, a lot of laws can be re-written. . . .

Every single church will then fall under the section of Pub 1828, titled, Political Campaign Activity. “Under the Internal Revenue Code, all IRC Section 501(c)(3) organizations, including churches and religious organizations, are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office.”  etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

It might even take away the church’s right to “Issue Advocacy.”  Yes, that IS still allowed.

Do the churches even care if they are under the government thumb?  Maybe not!  It’s a convenient “out” to say “I’m not allowed to participate in political activism.”  The main concern is not to offend anyone.  The donations might stop flowing in. 

 The problem with religious organizations is that they’re made up of fallible humans.  And, just like the evil elitists that we oppose, these humans can succumb to greed.  The churches want their donations and the donors want to deduct it from their income tax. 

Tax-exempt donations are a natural right that is still allowed, but the IRS has made encroachments. 

It has enacted recordkeeping rules, substantiation rules, and – the biggest one – requiring charitable deductions to be lumped with all other deductions on the Long Form and the total amount to exceed the Standard Deduction.  All this effectively means that most people no longer bother with it.

Where will it stop?  It WON’T stop unless we stop it!  Who will stand up for Christ’s church?

Would you like to download a copy of this? Here you go!


Our Position Statement on 2022 Constitutional Amendments

What do you think our official position on these constitutional Amendments? Let us know


The Constitution Party of West Virginia supports Amendment 1
West Virginia Amendment 1,
….Clarification of the Judiciary’s Role in Impeachment Proceedings Amendment
Clarifying that courts have no authority or jurisdiction to intercede or intervene in or interfere with impeachment proceedings of the House of Delegates or the Senate; and specifying that a judgment rendered by the Senate following an impeachment trial is not reviewable by any court of this state.

The constitution gives the sole power of impeachment to the House of Delegates and the sole power to try impeachments to the Senate. The amendment would simply clarify that “no court of this state” has any role at all, either in impeachment proceedings or in review of the outcome.

The court acted improperly in 2018 when the Supreme Court of Appeals prevented the Senate from conducting an impeachment trial of Supreme Court Justices when temporary (substitute) justices ruled that the impeachment proceedings violated the state constitution’s separation of powers clause. This is a ludicrous claim since the constitution allows that, “Any officer of the state may be impeached for maladministration, corruption, incompetency, gross immorality, neglect of duty, or any high crime or misdemeanor.” And, only the legislature may impeach.

This clarification is necessary to prevent any future errors of this kind.

The Constitution Party of West Virginia opposes Amendment 2
….West Virginia Amendment 2
….Property Tax Modernization Amendment To amend the State Constitution by providing the Legislature with authority to exempt tangible machinery and equipment personal property directly used in business activity and tangible inventory, personal property directly used in business activity, and personal property tax on motor vehicles from ad valorem property taxation by general law.

….First: Don’t be fooled. Although formally named the “Authorize Tax Exemptions for Vehicles and Personal Property Used for Business Amendment,” it does not authorize a single exemption; it only authorizes the Legislature to consider the matter sometime in the future.

….Second: Even though West Virginia has had Billion Dollar surpluses in recent years, there is actually no plan or incentive to reduce the tax burden on regular citizens.

As Governor Justice has said, the only reason the vehicle tax is included in Amendment 2 is to “get your vote.” What the Legislature wants is the constitutional ability to eliminate taxes on property, equipment and inventory used in business and manufacturing. They view this tax as a hindrance to business which discourages new business from locating in the state and they currently use an exemption of this tax as an incentive for new businesses to start up or move here.

….Third: Property tax is a county tax, administered by the counties. IF the Legislature were inclined to reduce our tax burden, it could easily – and without changing the constitution – have reduced the state income tax. The House has voted three times to reduce the state income tax but the Senate opposed it every time. Why are senators so unwilling to work within their own sphere of authority, attempting instead to commandeer the authority of counties and supplant the officials that are closer to the people?


The Constitution Party of West Virginia (strongly) opposes Amendment 3
….West Virginia Amendment 3
….Incorporation of Churches or Religious Denominations Amendment To Authorize the incorporation of ….churches or religious denominations.

The current/original wording of West Virginia Constitution, Article 6, Section 47:
“No charter of incorporation shall be granted to any church or religious denomination. Provisions may be made by general laws for securing the title to church property, and for the sale and transfer thereof, so that it shall be held, used, or transferred for the purposes of such church, or religious denomination.”

….Question 1: Why does the Legislature want this amendment passed? Perhaps it is to bring the constitution in line with W Va Code. Yes, that’s the opposite of proper law-making. But. . . . When HB 2899 (The West Virginia Nonprofit Corporation Act) was passed in 2002, it contained this line: “(b) No charters or certificates of incorporation may be granted or issued to any church or religious denomination.” Yet, somehow, that line is omitted from Code (Chapter 31E), and “religious” is inserted as a lawful purpose. Ask our law-makers how this happened! Every single church incorporation in this state is illegal because it is unconstitutional.

….Question 2: What about separation of church and state?
The founders of our constitutional republic and of our state clearly believed that churches must be free of government control. Corporations, however, are creations of government and must operate under its prescribed laws.
The West Virginia Nonprofit Corporation Act (2002, HB 2899) is a gargantuan law that, I’m fairly certain, covers every aspect of running a church that was left out of the Bible.

It is a fundamental truth that if our laws are in accordance with God’s laws then that can bringblessings and the other can bring cursings.

….Question 3: Is incorporation necessary to become a 501 C(3) with the IRS?
Why would a church even want 501 C(3) status? An incorporated church might become “tax exempt” (subject to the whims of the government and the bureaucrats running it) but an unincorporated church is “non-taxable” under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which maintains that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; ….”

The Constitution Party of West Virginia supports Amendment 4
….West Virginia Amendment 4
….Education Accountability Amendment. The purpose of this amendment is to
clarify that the rules and policies promulgated by the State Board of Education, are subject to legislative review, approval, amendment, or rejection.

The Legislature has “rule-making review” of every department except education which calls itself; a “fourth branch of government.”

We would rather have education decisions made by someone more accountable to parents and voters yet we’re not sure that “politicians” will do a better job than the education establishment. Ideally, we would like a “third option” that would restore the voters’ ability to elect the Superintendent of Free Schools. That might happen next year, but this year we must settle for constraining the Board of Education through Legislative oversight. One thing for certain is that the current education system is not providing the rigorous academics and the incentives for achievement that parents are asking for.


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