Shoney’s Restaurant Noon to 5:00 p.m.
131 Woodward Drive
Flatwoods West Virginia 26621
The Constitution Party of West Virginia announces that it will hold its 2024 biennial convention on Saturday, March 16, 2024, at the Flatwoods Shoney’s. The meeting will last from noon until 5:00 and attendees are encouraged to dine at the restaurant.
I. One purpose of the convention is to nominate candidates for statewide and legislative offices, presidential elector candidates, and delegates to the national party convention. All nominees for public office must be registered “Constitution Party” and meet the specific requirements for the office sought. They will also agree to uphold the state and national Constitution Party platforms.
All nominees will have the opportunity to make a brief statement about their candidacy and will have the opportunity to answer questions and campaign for support.
At this time, we have three members who are seeking nominations. Marshall Wilson, a former member of the state legislature, would like your support to become governor. Jeff Becker would like to be nominated for Secretary of State. And Rick Thomson would like the nomination for House of Delegates from the 91st District.
II. In addition, elections for Board officers will take place. Nominations for officers, including self-nominations, should be sent to the Executive Committee at P O Box 321, Weston, WV 26452, two weeks prior to the convention.
All Active, Life and Founding members in good standing are eligible to vote and participate. Anyone who is registered to vote as “Constitution Party” may become an Active Member by submitting a membership application and paying annual dues.
Plan to join us on this day as we attempt to restore the Republic by nominating candidates who support Constitutional government.