Come and Join Us in a special get-together with the Leadership from West Virginia and the National Executive Committee. Find out who we are, and what the Constitution Party is all about!

Come and Join Us in a special get-together with the Leadership from West Virginia and the National Executive Committee. Find out who we are, and what the Constitution Party is all about!
Shoney’s Restaurant Noon to 5:00 p.m.
131 Woodward Drive
Flatwoods West Virginia 26621
The Constitution Party of West Virginia announces that it will hold its 2024 biennial convention on Saturday, March 16, 2024, at the Flatwoods Shoney’s. The meeting will last from noon until 5:00 and attendees are encouraged to dine at the restaurant.
I. One purpose of the convention is to nominate candidates for statewide and legislative offices, presidential elector candidates, and delegates to the national party convention. All nominees for public office must be registered “Constitution Party” and meet the specific requirements for the office sought. They will also agree to uphold the state and national Constitution Party platforms.
All nominees will have the opportunity to make a brief statement about their candidacy and will have the opportunity to answer questions and campaign for support.
At this time, we have three members who are seeking nominations. Marshall Wilson, a former member of the state legislature, would like your support to become governor. Jeff Becker would like to be nominated for Secretary of State. And Rick Thomson would like the nomination for House of Delegates from the 91st District.
II. In addition, elections for Board officers will take place. Nominations for officers, including self-nominations, should be sent to the Executive Committee at P O Box 321, Weston, WV 26452, two weeks prior to the convention.
All Active, Life and Founding members in good standing are eligible to vote and participate. Anyone who is registered to vote as “Constitution Party” may become an Active Member by submitting a membership application and paying annual dues.
Plan to join us on this day as we attempt to restore the Republic by nominating candidates who support Constitutional government.
Are you ready for some fun and festivities? We will be there each day, at the City Park, with our booth space and overhead canopy, handing out information and signing people up to volunteer for the upcoming 2024 elections process. Do you know we have a candidate for Governor? See more here on that >
Shoney’s Restaurant Noon to 5:00 p.m.
131 Woodward Drive
Flatwoods West Virginia 26621
Stay Tuned …… More Updates Coming, & will be Posted Soon!
We encourage you to join us in Parkersburg, and experience this in person, but if you cannot; … then we have some good news for you. See and Hear it Live Online! ? Right Here >
Special Guest Speakers:
John Leyzorek, of ‘Tactical Civics’
John Leyzorek, of Pocahontas County, WV will explain TACTICAL CIVICS™ , a national plan and organization, devoted to restoring our Constitutional Republic, by the means specified in the our Constitution itself. TACTICAL CIVICS™ is a comprehensive, peaceful, lawful, staged operation, with County Chapters now in over 225 Counties in 45 States, and growing. TACTICAL CIVICS™ shows how We the People can establish actual enforcement of our Constitution, starting in our own Counties, working from there to the States and the federal government. The Constitution Party meets because we venerate our Constitution; Mr. Leyzorek will show us how to enforce it.
Pastor Bo Burgess, of
Pastor Bo Burgess, the director of West Virginia Baptists for Biblical Values, spends time each week traveling to the capitol in Charleston to meet with government officials, engage other pastors and churches to connect with their senators and delegates, and simply be a light for our Lord Jesus Christ. If you would like to more information about contacting your representatives or supporting West Virginian Baptists for Biblical Values, please contact Pastor Burgess. God bless you and may God bless the great state of West Virginia!
Long Time Member; Phil Hudok
Phil is an active Patriotic American, exposing the truth of Covid, Mandates, and much more. He will give a brief overview and update on the ‘Bill Of Peace 2020’ and several other things. He is a retired School Teacher of many years, and enjoys studying all things via the ‘Scientific Method’ of investigation. He has a weekly podcast on Brighteon, and manages, among other things.
The Constitution Party of West Virginia’s 2020 convention which was originally scheduled for March 28th has been rescheduled for April 11th by conference call.
The convention will be held on Zoom and it will be open to the public. Members of the Party, those who are registered to vote Constitution Party, may participate in the nomination of candidates. The business meeting will start at 9:00am and those members classified under the bylaws as “active” members may participate. The candidate forum will begin at 1:00pm with presentation by several presidential candidates and local candidates. This will be followed by voting via email. Everyone who is registered to vote as Constitution Party is eligible to vote to nominate candidates for the November election.
You may join the Zoom meeting by computer at or join by phone by calling 1-646-876-9923 and using meeting ID “100 709 847.” Or, you may choose to view the livestream which will begin at 12:45 pm at .
An email address will be posted for submitting questions for candidates, voting, and other communication. The passcode in the first line of your mail label(for members) must be included in all emails to the convention.
Conference Schedule
8:30 Opening conference and setup, Meeting is open to members and the public
9:00 Meeting called to order, Introduction
9:15 Prayer
9:30 Rules for meeting, Roberts Rules of Order
9:45 Bylaws and Platform
11:30 Introduce local candidates
12:00PM Nomination and election of candidates
12:30 Introduce Presidential candidates
1:15 First Presidential candidate
1:45 Second Presidential candidate
2:15 Third Presidential candidate
3:40 Q & A for presidential candidates
3:45 Election of presidential candidate for West Virginia
4:00 Announcement of presidential choice for West Virginia
4:15 Election of new officers and conclusion of meeting
JOIN US for our next state party meeting to be held at Shoney’s in Charleston (116 Kanawha Blvd E) on Saturday, May 31, 2014. There will be a quick business meeting beginning promptly at 12:00 noon followed by some brief candidate presentations, and then members and supporters will head down the street to the University of Charleston’s Laidley Field Stadium to circulate our ballot access petitions among the patrons and participants of the Relay For Life event.
A number of members are planning to arrive around 11:00am to set-up and eat lunch first. As always, this is an open public meeting FREE OF CHARGE except of course for your own restaurant tab.
Based on the attendance of our previous meetings, we are expecting a good crowd. The specific agenda is TBD and will be available at the restaurant.
MARCH FORTH with the Constitution Party in Berkeley County. Join us for our fourth (4th) organizing meeting on Monday, March 4 at Hoss’s Restaurant in Martinsburg (Eastern Panhandle) at 7:00pm. Our previous meetings there were January 26, and February 12th and 18th. For more information, check out our event page on Facebook at Supporters from ALL SURROUNDING COUNTIES and even out of state are welcome. Previous meetings have had guests from Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.
Join us on Facebook at our event page created for our convention.