Spirit of '76 for Phil HudOK – WRITE-IN for Governor

Appropriately enough, Phil Hudok received seventy six (76) official write-in votes in this year’s special election for governor. However, there were 425 total write-in votes recorded ( as shown by the Secretary of State’s report http://apps.sos.wv.gov/elections/results/statesummary.aspx ), so why were 268 not counted? This MUST BE INVESTIGATED!
A sincere thank you to everyone who voted for Phil on October 4th.

Phil is from Huttonsville near Elkins in Randolph County and was the CP’s ballot-qualified candidate for U.S. Congress, 2nd District last year. More information about Phil and his candidacy can be found on his campaign website at www.hudok.com.
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Redistricting Ideas & Maps Online

Constitution Party of West Virginia Chairman Jeff Becker has placed a number of redistricting ideas with detailed color maps on his website at http://jeffbecker.us. Columnist Phil Kabler commented on them in his West Virginia Gazette article last week: http://wvgazette.com/News/201106101179
There is a 30-member House of Delegates redistricting team that is holding meetings around the state on these, as well as John Unger’s State Senate task force. More information on these and other legislative activities can be found at http://www.legis.state.wv.us/redistricting.cfm
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CPWV Lobbies for Party Qualification Bill

On Monday, February 14, 2011, three CPWV officers gave some Valentine’s Day love to our state legislators by spending the day at the Capitol Complex in Charleston and lobbying for Senate Bill 417. S.B. 417 (LINK: http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_text.cfm?billdoc=sb417%20intr.htm&yr=2011&sesstype=RS&i=417) was introduced earlier in the month by Senator Clark Barnes and would expand political party qualification nine-fold to any statewide office candidate who garnered at least 1% of the vote. Currently an organization of voters only has one (1) chance every four years with one (1) candidate for governor. Additionally, this bill provides a tenth way to qualify the party via voter registration numbers.

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House Bill Says Special Governor's Elections In May and August

House Bill Says Election Days In May and August
ORIGINAL STORY AT: http://www.wvmetronews.com/index.cfm?func=displayfullstory&storyid=42643
State Capitol
A bill introduced in the House of Delegates Wednesday sets the timeline for a primary and general election for governor this year.
The bill, HB2552, says the primary election will be held on May 14 and the general election August 6.
House Minority Leader Tim Armstead, one of the bill’s sponsors, says the bill would change state code that allows for party conventions to determine the nominees in a special election for governor.
Armstead said during a floor speech Wednesday he doesn’t believe conventions would be the proper way to choose nominees for governor.
“I think it’s so important today, as we move forward, that we determine what our direction will be and we move forward quickly in that direction and I believe that direction should be a primary election,” Armstead said.
Bill supporters say the cost of a primary election would not be prohibitive.
“A convention will not give the people of West Virginia adequate input into this process,” Armstead said.
The bill also sets out to change the current gubernatorial succession language and would require any future state Senate President acting as governor to give notice of a special election within 10 days of the vacancy occurring.
The state Supreme Court handed down an order Tuesday ( COURT DECISION CAN BE READ AT: http://www.state.wv.us/wvsca/docs/spring11/101494.pdf ) that said acting Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin would have to issue a proclamation to have a special election before Nov. 15.

Hudok Challenges Capito to a Debate

Phil Hudok, Constitution Party of West Virginia Candidate for the United States House of Representatives, Issues a Challenge to debate.
Huttonsville W.Va. – In order to promote a credible election process of informed voters, Phil Hudok, Second Congressional District Constitution Party candidate, challenges Republican incumbent, Shelly Moore Capito, and Democrat challenger, Virginia Graf, to a public debate.
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Privacy of Petition Signatures?

W.Va. justices hear appeal about petition drives
Wednesday September 8, 2010
by The Associated Press
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Members of West Virginia’s Supreme Court cited a recent ruling from the nation’s highest court during Wednesday arguments over the Jefferson County clerk’s refusal to release petition drive signatures.
June’s near-unanimous decision allowed the release of petition signatures in Washington state.
Several of the West Virginia justices also referred to a state law that considers any records kept by a county commission as public.
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Special Election Process In Chaos

Following days of legislative wrangling over the process to succeed the late Sen. Robert Byrd, state lawmakers in West Virginia still haven’t reached an agreement as Gov. Manchin’s special session has devolved into partisan finger-pointing.
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