March 16th 2024 Constitution Party of West Virginia State Convention & Elections Meeting

Shoney’s Restaurant Noon to 5:00 p.m.

131 Woodward Drive

Flatwoods West Virginia 26621


The Constitution Party of West Virginia announces that it will hold its 2024 biennial convention on Saturday, March 16, 2024, at the Flatwoods Shoney’s. The meeting will last from noon until 5:00 and attendees are encouraged to dine at the restaurant.

I. One purpose of the convention is to nominate candidates for statewide and legislative offices, presidential elector candidates, and delegates to the national party convention. All nominees for public office must be registered “Constitution Party” and meet the specific requirements for the office sought. They will also agree to uphold the state and national Constitution Party platforms.

All nominees will have the opportunity to make a brief statement about their candidacy and will have the opportunity to answer questions and campaign for support.

At this time, we have three members who are seeking nominations. Marshall Wilson, a former member of the state legislature, would like your support to become governor. Jeff Becker would like to be nominated for Secretary of State. And Rick Thomson would like the nomination for House of Delegates from the 91st District.

II. In addition, elections for Board officers will take place. Nominations for officers, including self-nominations, should be sent to the Executive Committee at P O Box 321, Weston, WV 26452, two weeks prior to the convention.

All Active, Life and Founding members in good standing are eligible to vote and participate. Anyone who is registered to vote as “Constitution Party” may become an Active Member by submitting a membership application and paying annual dues.

Plan to join us on this day as we attempt to restore the Republic by nominating candidates who support Constitutional government.

Former State Delegate S. Marshall Wilson obtains nomination for Governorship Candidacy



ATTENTION: We need 8000 voter signatures for ballot access in 2024! Click here to help

Individual liberty is possible only in a nation that is formed, as John Adams said, “of laws, not of men.” In such a nation, each citizen bears an equal responsibility before the law and possesses the right to equal protection under the law. Each individual citizen enjoys the rights to self-determination, to engage in governmental processes at all levels, and to hold public servants accountable to the laws of the nation. Any infringement upon these principles makes each person less a citizen of a nation of laws and more a subject of a nation of men – an oligarchy rather than a republic.

One citizen who chooses to stand against the devolution of the Republic into oligarchy will affect little. A community that stands against that devolution will fare little better. A People that stands together to secure the Rights of each individual can dismantle the rising oligarchy and restore the Republic. If We, the People – We Mountaineers are to remain “always free” we must stand together now. As one citizen, I stand for the principles enshrined in the West Virginia Constitution:

1. “The government of the United States is a government of enumerated powers, and all powers not delegated to it, nor inhibited to the states, are reserved to the states or to the people thereof…and it is the high and solemn duty of the several departments of government, created by this constitution, to guard and protect the people of this state from all encroachments upon the rights so reserved.” (WV Constitution Para 1-2)

2. “The powers of government reside in all the citizens of the state, and can be rightfully exercised only in accordance with their will and appointment.” (WV Constitution Para 2-2)

3. “Free government and the blessings of liberty can be preserved to any people only by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality and virtue, and by a frequent recurrence to fundamental principles.” (WV Constitution Para 3-20)

4. “A person has the right to keep and bear arms for the defense of self, family, home and state, and for lawful hunting and recreational use.” (WV Constitution Para 3-22)

As one citizen, I will affect nothing, but I will stand nonetheless. If you, as an individual free citizen, also stand for these principles, we stand together for a common cause. Though you and I might disagree on how best to live, be free, and pursue happiness, we agree that neither the government nor any person has the right to dictate to us how we will go about it. We can and should stand together. If we stand together, we have a chance.

          Send me to Charleston to stand for our principles there.

Calling all Patriots!

By CPWVa State Treasurer Brenda Donnellan 9/06/23

I’m very excited to announce that Marshall Wilson is the CPWVa gubernatorial candidate for the 2024 election.  I will post links below to Marshall’s podcast where you can watch Marshall and Phil Hudok make the announcement to the world last night.

Marshall will need about 8,000 signatures to get on the ballot and he intends to get this accomplished quickly to give him more time for campaigning and more media attention.  All other candidates will be added to Marshall’s petitions.  E.G. – Richard Thomson is running for State Delegate in the 91st District. 

IMO, the most important thing to do now is fill the Legislature with freedom-seeking Patriots who will stand up to Legislative leadership, to the Federal government, to the WHO, and to everybody else who wants to put us in chains.  If you know anybody who is willing to donate his time and energy to preserve freedom, please ask him to get involved.  (Note that I’m old-school and use the generic “him.”)

In addition, we need volunteers to immediately begin collecting signatures on petitions.  The petitions can be downloaded on Marshall’s webpage, or contact me and I’ll print them for you.  (

Last of all, we need money.  We are getting a booth at the Forest Festival in Elkins where we expect to garner a lot of signatures.  We are looking at other state festivals.  But we will need money to pay for all this and are asking for your help.  If you can donate cash that would be appreciated.  If you’d like to buy some merch (we have T-shirts and cups for sale), that is another great way to help.

Visit our webpage or contact me.

Remember – We are in this to win it!  Thank you for your help.

Links to Marshall’s weekly podcasts.

Audio only:



Amazon Audible:



Constitution Party Official Position Regarding Church Incorporation

Will religious freedom be written out of our history?

Some (including the ACLU and the West Virginia Legislature) argue that we must amend the West Virginia Constitution because current law treats religious organizations differently than non-religious entities by denying their First Amendment right to incorporate.  Actually, that is the point of the First Amendment – “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” NO law! Churches and religious organizations CANNOT be put under the laws of incorporation; they CANNOT be treated as a creation of the government as corporations are.

 IRS Pub 1828 says; “Churches that meet the requirements of IRC Section 501(c)(3) [which simply means they are churches] are automatically considered tax exempt and are not required to apply for and obtain recognition of tax-exempt status from the IRS.”

An incorporated church might become “tax exempt” (subject to the whims of the government and the bureaucrats running it!) but an unincorporated church is “non-taxable.”

Also from Pub 1828, Congress has enacted special tax laws that apply to churches, religious organizations and ministers in recognition of their unique status in American society and of their rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.  Churches and religious organizations are generally exempt from income tax and receive other favorable treatment under the tax law;”

 The West Virginia Constitution includes  “Provisions may be made by general laws for securing the title to church property, and for the sale and transfer thereof, so that it shall be held, used, or transferred for the purposes of such church, or religious denomination,” and that is why West Virginia has special laws for churches, including also exempting church property from taxation:  “(5) Property used exclusively for divine worship; (6) Parsonages and the household goods and furniture pertaining thereto; (7) Mortgages, bonds and other evidence of indebtedness in the hands of bona fide owners and holders hereafter issued and sold by churches and religious societies for the purposes of securing money to be used in the erection of church buildings used exclusively for divine worship or for the purpose of paying indebtedness thereon;” as well as cemeteries and benevolent property such as schools, orphanages, hospitals.

The prohibition on incorporating is REAL separation of church and state, as intended by the First Amendment.  The founders of our constitutional republic and of our state clearly believed that churches must be free of government control.

However, some people disagree with this foundational principle and want to eliminate the freedom and independence of the church that our Constitution and laws are based on.

 The West Virginia Nonprofit Corporation Act (2002 HB 2899, WV Code Chapter 31E) is a gargantuan law that, I’m fairly certain, covers every aspect of running a church that was left out of the Bible.  The authorizing bill was 140 pages; so it’s pretty likely that (contrary to what the Legislature claims) the state WILL tell churches how to run their organizations.

Furthermore . . . Do you realize that West Virginia is the lone holdout on keeping churches free of government?  Just imagine what the IRS can do, what restrictions it can impose, what chains it can use to bind Christ’s church, when that pesky holdout is eliminated?  If ALL churches are incorporated, then Pub 1828 can be re-written without the current reminders that churches are special and separate and naturally free of government control.  Yes, a lot of laws can be re-written. . . .

Every single church will then fall under the section of Pub 1828, titled, Political Campaign Activity. “Under the Internal Revenue Code, all IRC Section 501(c)(3) organizations, including churches and religious organizations, are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office.”  etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

It might even take away the church’s right to “Issue Advocacy.”  Yes, that IS still allowed.

Do the churches even care if they are under the government thumb?  Maybe not!  It’s a convenient “out” to say “I’m not allowed to participate in political activism.”  The main concern is not to offend anyone.  The donations might stop flowing in. 

 The problem with religious organizations is that they’re made up of fallible humans.  And, just like the evil elitists that we oppose, these humans can succumb to greed.  The churches want their donations and the donors want to deduct it from their income tax. 

Tax-exempt donations are a natural right that is still allowed, but the IRS has made encroachments. 

It has enacted recordkeeping rules, substantiation rules, and – the biggest one – requiring charitable deductions to be lumped with all other deductions on the Long Form and the total amount to exceed the Standard Deduction.  All this effectively means that most people no longer bother with it.

Where will it stop?  It WON’T stop unless we stop it!  Who will stand up for Christ’s church?

Would you like to download a copy of this? Here you go!


Phil Hudok named to SPLC list of 12 Extreme Candidates

CPWVa U.S. Senate Candidate Phil Hudok has had the honor of just being named to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s summer list of the twelve most extreme political candidates. Their stated basis for this nomination is his history of “Christian-based activism,” and the article goes on to list three of Phil’s recent religious freedom legal victories. The article profiles Phil next to Victoria Jackson of Saturday Night Live fame, and also includes 2004 Constitution Party presidential nominee, Michael Peroutka, among others. The entire article can be read on Phil’s website at

Three months ago, the FBI dumped the SPLC as a legitimate resource of “hate crime” information largely because of their unbalanced targeting of Christian groups. SOURCE:


We are on our way to ballot access for the General Election this year. Help us get our lead candidate Phil Hudok in the race for U.S. Senate. Please visit his campaign website at the following link for specific information on WHAT YOU CAN DO, or better yet, give us a call!

Phil Hudok speaks at TEA Party meetings

On Friday, November 8, U.S. Senate candidate Phil Hudok gave an informative PowerPoint presentation to the Hampshire County TEA Party in Romney. The presentation outlining the signs of the times included audio/video of the float which he designed that features a 7 and 1/2 foot high smoke-ring blowing Obama head. He explained how Article 2, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution was not being followed and how a return to the “Rule of Law” could undo the recent damage inflicted on the “Republic” by Mr. Obama and his globalist handlers.

Phil Hudok speaks to Nicholas County Tea Party - Oct 29 2013Previously, Phil had given his presentation to the Nicholas County TEA Party (October 29, 2013) and also at the God and Country rally in Elkins on July 4th

Nashville Convention Wrap Up

Former Virginia Congressman, Virgil Goode has been nominated as the Constitution Party’s presidential candidate for 2012. At the national party convention in Nashville, Tennessee on Saturday, Mr. Goode garnered 203 nomination votes. Darrell Castle (TN), the CP’s 2008 vice presidential nominee, received 120 votes, Robby Wells (SC) 58, Susan Ducey (KS) 15, and Laurie Roth (WA) 6.
Read More

Resolution on CP Presidential Candidates

At its April 5, 2012 conference call meeting duly assembled, the CPWV Executive Committee adopted the following resolution regarding endorsement of presidential candidates by our delegates to the national party nominating convention in Nashville, Tennessee.
Whereas, individuals have approached the Constitution Party and the Constitution Party of West Virginia to seek nomination for political office who have not before been affiliated with the Party,
Whereas, we seek candidates who are committed to the Party’s platform,
And, whereas we are interested in attracting candidates who are committed to the long term growth of the Party,
Resolved, therefore, that we the members of the Constitution Party of West Virginia direct our delegates to the National Convention to support only candidates for President who pledge their unqualified endorsement of the Seven Principles of the Party platform, Read More

Nashville Delegation Fund-Raiser

We are SIXTY ONE PERCENT (61%) towards our goal! ~$920 raised so far. B.Q. sent $99. A.J. pledged $25. J.R. pledged $25. J.B. pledged $30. D.S. pledged $100. J.J. pledged $100. C.S. Chipped-In $25. N.R. pledged $100. K.L. pledged $50. J.W. sent $100. G.S. sent $50. B.D. sent $50 and has pledged to send another $50. R.M. sent $10. R.C. sent $40. P.H. sent $25. J.H. pledged $25. M.F. pledged $25. S.B. sent $10. A.M. pledged $20. G.W. pledged $10. K.H. M.R., K.N., R.K., T.W., B.L., M.S., D.Q. and A.B. also sending checks. Thank you all! Remember that we made a commitment to reimburse our delegation for their travel expenses (over $700) to Nashville. Please help us raise the remaining 39%.

Since PayPal takes almost 6%, we would prefer it if you would please send us a personal check instead (made out to “CPWV”) to:

Constitution Party of West Virginia
PO Box 458
Daniels, WV 25832

The Constitution Party of West Virginia has six (6) delegation votes for our presidential candidates this year. So far, there are eight (8) declared candidates for our national party’s presidential nomination. Read More