CPWVa adopts resolution in support of the Confederate flag

On July 23, 2015, by unanimous vote of a quorum of its State Central Committee officers, the CPWVa adopted an important resolution in support of the Confederate flag and historical monuments. The four part resolution resolved to recognize the Confederate flag and other symbols and monuments to American history and heroes, including those of the former Confederate States, as positive symbols of America’s heritage, culture, and reverence. It further resolved that, since there is no Constitutionally protected freedom to not be offended, these symbols and historical monuments be re-installed and protected in their places of honor, and called upon all Americans to unite together in peace and racial harmony. Finally, invoking the charge of the Party’s 2008 presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin from his recent article, the resolution called for the increased display of the Confederate flag as a symbol of resistance to federal and local tyranny to boldly awaken the original independent American spirit. Mr. Baldwin’s article can be found at http://chuckbaldwinlive.com/Articles/tabid/109/ID/3336/The-Confederate-Flag-Needs-To-Be-Raised-Not-Lowered.aspx. As philosopher George Santayana said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” America’s current direction towards a dystopic Orwellian future must be reversed. The adopted resolution was sent back to committee for final work on writing its supporting statements (based on the Baldwin article), and the completed document is expected to be placed on our website before the end of August.