Spirit of '76 for Phil HudOK – WRITE-IN for Governor

Appropriately enough, Phil Hudok received seventy six (76) official write-in votes in this year’s special election for governor. However, there were 425 total write-in votes recorded ( as shown by the Secretary of State’s report http://apps.sos.wv.gov/elections/results/statesummary.aspx ), so why were 268 not counted? This MUST BE INVESTIGATED!
A sincere thank you to everyone who voted for Phil on October 4th.

Phil is from Huttonsville near Elkins in Randolph County and was the CP’s ballot-qualified candidate for U.S. Congress, 2nd District last year. More information about Phil and his candidacy can be found on his campaign website at www.hudok.com.

Phil is also planning on being the Constitution Party’s candidate for governor in next year’s regular election and is in the process of circulating ballot access petitions. He needs to collect over 7,000 valid voter signatures so will need over 10,000 in total. He will then need at least 1% of the vote to qualify the CP so that we can put an end to all of this restrictive and wasteful petitioning nonsense.
Since the recently drafted special election law prohibits this year’s contest from being able to qualify a political party, the CP needs really good voter turn-out next year. That means visibility which is what Phil and his fellow West Virginia constitutionalists had hoped to achieve with THIS YEAR’s run.
Even though the other five candidates have their names on the ballot, we feel that Phil Hudok is the best choice for freedom, liberty, and limited government in the Mountain State. Remember, we’re “OK with Phil HudOK”.