National CP Meeting, Harrisburg, PA April 29 & 30

The National Committee meeting will start Friday morning, April 29, 2011 at 8:30am at the Harrisburg East Holiday Inn. After lunch there will be a short tour of the Pennsylvania Capitol. The Eastern States Regional meeting will convene Friday at 5pm.
The banquet will be at 7pm. Confirmed speakers for the meeting include Sheriff Richard Mack – former sheriff of Graham County, Arizona, and long-time crusader for freedom and individual rights; John McManus – President of the John Birch Society; Dr. Taylor Haynes – Recipient of an unprecedented Wyoming write-in vote; Robert Owens – Chairman Constitution Party of Ohio; and Congressman Virgil Goode – (R-VA 1997-2009)

The meeting will reconvene on Saturday at 8:00am, and adjourn before lunch. On Saturday afternoon an optional Amish Country Guided Tour is planned with dinner in an authentic Amish home.
The CPWV plans to send two committemen to this meeting. All others who wish to join us, please phone or email us before Thursday, April 28.

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