Paper Ballots Required


A vast number of people in America doubt the 2020 election was free of fraud and for good reason.

A computer program can be designed to do whatever the programmer predetermines at any predetermined time. Voting machine companies claim that the computer source code is proprietary and therefore not subject to third party review.

Our form of government relies on confidence and mass participation in the election of their representatives. The most secure form of ballot, the paper ballot, is paramount. What makes this all the more imperative is the fact that there has not been a proper investigation of alarming voting irregularities where voting machines were used in the 2020 November election. West Virginia voting can be commended in not being widely suspect as are many other states. However, the system of voting in West Virginia can be made much more secure, reliable, and pro-active in form and function. Paper ballots are the most secure way of making election choices and providing proof when voting re-counts are requested.

The Constitution Party of West Virginia believes that the people of West Virginia deserve a return to paper ballots and the enhanced peace of mind they bring in the election process.


Constitution Party of West Virginia Chairman,
Jeffrey Jarrell (304) 771-0088

Protecting Churches from Government


West Virginia Constitution, Article 6, Section 47: 

“No charter of incorporation shall be granted to any church or religious denomination. Provisions may be made by general laws for securing the title to church property, and for the sale and transfer thereof, so that it shall be held, used, or transferred for the purposes of such church, or religious denomination.” 

The framers displayed wisdom in Article 6, Section 47 of the 1872 West Virginia Constitution. The prohibiting of church incorporation was in the earlier 1863 Constitution and intentionally retained for obvious reasons. SJR4, Senate Joint Resolution 4, is a move in the legislature to allow incorporation and undo church protection. 

Corporations are creations of, and operate under the prescribed laws of a civil government entity. Is an incorporated church the sole creation of a  sovereign God? Is an incorporated church free of government control? Has a church through  incorporation become unequally yoked? 

The founders of our constitutional republic clearly believed and established that churches be  free of undo government control. Article 6, Section 47 mandates government make special  “provisions” for the title, holding, use, and transfer of church property. This guaranteed that  managing God’s property be solely the responsibility of the church. 

SJR4, is a resolution to amend the West Virginia Constitution. Incorporation flies against the  wisdom which the framers codified in Article 6, Section 47. Furthermore, the West Virginia  Constitution Party sees SJR4 as a logical first step in a possible future move for mandatory  incorporation of churches. 

Contact your representatives and say “No” to SJR4!


Constitution Party of West Virginia Chairman, 

Jeffrey Jarrell (304) 771-0088