CPWV Supports Vaccine Exemption Bill and Refugee Information Act

The Constitution Party of West Virginia has passed a resolution in support of Senate Bill 330. SB 330 provides for a religious and conscientious exemption from mandatory school vaccinations. Mandatory vaccination is a blatant violation of medical ethics and fundamental human rights. Vaccination is far from being an exact science. Risks include permanent, serious damage as well as death. Join the Constitution Party of West Virginia in support of SB 330(sponsored by Senators Sypolt, Azinger, Karnes, Mann, Maynard, and Rucker.
Also, the Constitution Party of West Virginia unanimously supports the passage of House Bill 4555, the Refugee Information Act. Would you attempt to navigate West Virginia’s country roads in the dark without headlights? Of course not! Thanks to the investigative work of people like Brenda K. Arthur (Chapter Leader, Greater Charleston ACT), we’ve gotten a glimpse of the true cost in dollars and services rendered for refugee resettlement in West Virginia. A comprehensive presentation by Brenda Arthur can be viewed in 3 parts on Youtube: part 1, part 2, part 3.  It has come to the attention of the Constitution Party of West Virginia, that refugee resettlement decisions are secretly being made by a few select government officials. Decisions have not only been hidden from the people, but without the knowledge and consent of West Virginia’s legislators. We cannot have government of, by, and for the people when decisions affecting the state’s citizens in a myriad of profound ways are not transparent.
Join the Constitution Party of West Virginia in supporting HB 4555(sponsored by Delegates, Butler, McGeehan, Hollen, Ward, Phillips, C. Miller, Jennings, Folk, Moye and Lynch.


The Constitution Party of West Virginia unanimously supports SB 330, adding religious and conscientious exemptions to immunization law.
The Constitution Party of West Virginia unanimously supports amending Senate Bill 330 which modifies CHAPTER 16. PUBLIC HEALTH. ARTICLE 3. PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF COMMUNICABLE AND OTHER INFECTIOUS DISEASES to include religious and conscientious exemptions from compulsory immunizations for school children.
Why would one put faith in a multibillion dollar industry that is not liable for medical damages and determines product safety via their own testing? The combination of money and power have always accompanied corruption. The director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention recently resigned due to a corporate conflict of interest. The CDC is the premier U.S. medical watchdog which many feel has far too often failed in its mission. Historically, parents acting as watchdogs have made the best decisions in their children’s lives, not the government.
Beware of those who cry “for the public good” or “the greater good” as did Hitler’s Germany when practicing government-mandated forced sterilization and euthanasia. No informed consent was afforded.
Informed consent is when a patient gives permission to a health intervention based on an understanding of it. Mandatory vaccines are a blatant violation of medical ethics and fundamental human rights. Vaccination is far from being an exact science. Risks include permanent, serious damage as well as death. Informed consent was an established basic human right for our health freedom as a result of the Nuremberg Trials. See Doctors Trial in Nuremberg 1947.
It is important to note that we shouldn’t need to make laws protecting what is already protected. If and when the day finally comes when unalienable laws granted by our creator and guaranteed in our Constitution rule, we will truly have the Rule of Law and there will be no need for legislation such as Senate Bill 330.
Government is not God! The history of Hitler’s Germany reinforces “limited government” and “rule of law”.
Join the Constitution Party of West Virginia in supporting SB 330 by Senators Sypolt, Azinger, Karnes, Mann, Maynard, and Rucker.
To facilitate public vaccine awareness, the Constitution Party of West Virginia will livestream part 1 of the docu-series “The Truth About Vaccines” at the following link at 2:00 PM, Saturday, February 24th: