3 Speakers to Address Constitution Party of W.Va. January Meeting

CPWVa Ballot Emblem - MINUTEMANThe Constitution Party of West Virginia will hold a state meeting in Charleston on Sat., January 13 at the Bob Evans Restaurant in Kanawha City beginning at noon to 5 p.m.
Featured are 3 guest speakers:
Keith Morgan of the West Virginia Citizens Defense League will address  2nd Amendment Rights,
Brenda Arthur of the Greater Charleston ACT will address Refugee Influx Into West Virginia,
Dr. Josh Super, College Professor, will speak on Political Climate – Perspectives & Effects, College Students – Where Are They & Reaching Them, And More.
All members are urged to attend as well as the general public regardless of political affiliation.  Members of the West Virginia Legislature, which convenes on January 10, will be invited to attend along with other public officials.  Good government and the Rule of Law is everyone’s responsibility.
If all goes well and the internet cooperates, we will be live-streaming the meeting at https://livestream.com/accounts/11933679/
For more info: Jeffrey Jarrell 304-771-0088, Phil Hudok 304-940-9646