Phil Hudok Announces Run for Randolph Co. Sheriff

The Constitution PaPhil Hudok - Candidaterty of W.Va.’s 2016 candidate for Governor, Phil Hudok, has announced that he will run for Randoph Co. Sheriff in the next election.
Phil is a proven champion on Constitutional /Rule of Law issues. He has been involved in successful court battles including numerous cases in the West Virginia Supreme Court and a case in Federal Court. He believes that the sheriff’s duty as the supreme law enforcement officer in the county is to see that the law is upheld, and applied fairly.
Phil has remarked, that the sheriff “takes an oath to uphold the state constitution. The West Virginia Constitution, while not perfect, has some real protections and important principles that must be followed. All law enforcement actions in Randolph County are subject to and under the jurisdiction of the Sheriff’s Office which serves the people that elect the Randolph County Sheriff. While good government is essential, government is only meant to do what individuals, families, churches, and other non-governmental institutions cannot provide. Proper government is about good stewardship and public safety while protecting private property and individual rights. As Ronald Reagan rightly warned, ‘The nine most dangerous words in the English language are, I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”
Over the years, Phil has had numerous positions of service and responsibility. He served as officer in the Tygarts Valley Lions Club, Randolph County Education Association, Randolph County Tax Study, and Constitution Party of West Virginia. He was a national presenter of outstanding teaching practices for the Southern Regional Education Board in Nashville, TN and was teacher of the Year of Tygarts Valley Junior/Senior High School. After earning a BA in Physics at West Liberty State College, where he was Student Personnel Manager of ARA Food Service, he obtained a Masters in Educational Computing from Charleston University. Since 1972, Phil has owned and operated Century Photo, a photo/video service and media production company.
Phil says, “Good government is everyone’s responsibility. Do your part, expect and demand good honest representative government. Become informed, encouraged and vote.”
His campaign website is and Facebook page is “Phillip Hudok”.