Phil Hudok speaks at TEA Party meetings

On Friday, November 8, U.S. Senate candidate Phil Hudok gave an informative PowerPoint presentation to the Hampshire County TEA Party in Romney. The presentation outlining the signs of the times included audio/video of the float which he designed that features a 7 and 1/2 foot high smoke-ring blowing Obama head. He explained how Article 2, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution was not being followed and how a return to the “Rule of Law” could undo the recent damage inflicted on the “Republic” by Mr. Obama and his globalist handlers.

Phil Hudok speaks to Nicholas County Tea Party - Oct 29 2013Previously, Phil had given his presentation to the Nicholas County TEA Party (October 29, 2013) and also at the God and Country rally in Elkins on July 4th