State Convention – SEPT 22

We had a PACKED House yesterday at our state meeting in Burnsville. Twenty-two patriots attended to hear eight different speakers. The date of our State Convention was set for Saturday, September 22, 2012. The location of this meeting will be the Barboursville Community Park in Cabell County. Email us for full details at

  • The convention is scheduled to begin with a carry-in picnic cookout at noon. Bring your favorite covered dish to share and we will provide hotdogs, hamburgers, and beverages. We will continue grilling and eating until 3:00pm. At 1pm, we will begin the business portion of our convention to adopt our state party platform and bylaws for the next four years. At 2pm, we will have candidate presentations. At 3pm, we will start our PurpleDonkephant fundraising auction of donated items. Some items will be available at a pre-auction Tag Sale. After the auction concludes, we will have entertainment from local musicians and show the new film, Behold a Pale Horse featuring Charlie Daniels. UPDATE: We will also be showing the vaccination truth documentary, The Greater Good after the conclusion of our feature film as time permits. Copies of it will be available on DVD.

    The Burnsville meeting speakers were: Jeff Becker (write-in candidates & the Secretary of State), Dan Litten (State Senate candidate), Jeffrey-Frank..Jarrell (Appleseed Project, marksmanship & heritage), Gene Stalnaker (problems with WV Castle Doctrine legislation), Richard Swecker (County Commission candidate, water, sewer & the UN Agenda 21), Lou Manley (author: Constitutional money & international financial agenda), Ted Elden (personal sovereignty), Phil Hudok (Homeland Security, Real ID & the police state).
    A 2012 CPWV Candidate’s flyer is being prepared listing at least five write-in and five ballot-qualified candidates for the November general election. Please contact us if you would like to help us get these printed and distributed.