Nashville Convention Wrap Up

Former Virginia Congressman, Virgil Goode has been nominated as the Constitution Party’s presidential candidate for 2012. At the national party convention in Nashville, Tennessee on Saturday, Mr. Goode garnered 203 nomination votes. Darrell Castle (TN), the CP’s 2008 vice presidential nominee, received 120 votes, Robby Wells (SC) 58, Susan Ducey (KS) 15, and Laurie Roth (WA) 6.

Virgil’s running mate will be outgoing party chairman, Jim Clymer of Pennsylvania. Outgoing western states chairman Frank Flukiger of Utah was nominated as the national party’s new chairman. Randy Stufflebeam of Illinois is the new vice chairman. Cindy Redburn (MO) – Secretary, and Jim Headings (TN) – Treasurer round out the new national party executive committee.