Nashville Delegation Fund-Raiser

We are SIXTY ONE PERCENT (61%) towards our goal! ~$920 raised so far. B.Q. sent $99. A.J. pledged $25. J.R. pledged $25. J.B. pledged $30. D.S. pledged $100. J.J. pledged $100. C.S. Chipped-In $25. N.R. pledged $100. K.L. pledged $50. J.W. sent $100. G.S. sent $50. B.D. sent $50 and has pledged to send another $50. R.M. sent $10. R.C. sent $40. P.H. sent $25. J.H. pledged $25. M.F. pledged $25. S.B. sent $10. A.M. pledged $20. G.W. pledged $10. K.H. M.R., K.N., R.K., T.W., B.L., M.S., D.Q. and A.B. also sending checks. Thank you all! Remember that we made a commitment to reimburse our delegation for their travel expenses (over $700) to Nashville. Please help us raise the remaining 39%.

Since PayPal takes almost 6%, we would prefer it if you would please send us a personal check instead (made out to “CPWV”) to:

Constitution Party of West Virginia
PO Box 458
Daniels, WV 25832

The Constitution Party of West Virginia has six (6) delegation votes for our presidential candidates this year. So far, there are eight (8) declared candidates for our national party’s presidential nomination. This nomination, along with that of a running mate, will be held in Nashville, TN from April 18 to April 21, 2012. Additionally, elections for new national party officers will be held, as well as votes to adopt our national platform. We would like to send a delegation of up to four people to represent our great state at this important national event. The CPWV has not sent a delegate to a national nominating convention since Valley Forge in 2004, and that was only as an observer.

This trip is going to entail 1100 miles round trip from Morgantown which will consume approximately $300 in gas and oil. Hotel is $150 per night plus tax for three days. Our Delegation fee for up to four people is $100 total, but each delegate must pay a $325 entrance fee. And, our three National Committeemen are required to pay their annual dues of $100 each. We estimate that we need to raise $2500 for this event and ask you for your generous contribution in any amount. Thank you in advance for your support to advance and promote our principles of freedom and liberty for the Mountain State.