Welcome New CPWV Officers

The CPWV is pleased to announce its new slate of State Officers for the 2012-2013 term. At yesterday’s meeting in Weston, in the shadows of one of our state’s famous landmarks, the party unanimously elected the following officers:
Brenda Donnellan – Chairwoman
Jeff Becker – Secretary, National Committeeman
Jeffrey-Frank..Jarrell – Vice-Chairman, National Committeeman
Denzil Sloan – National Committeeman
Gene Stalnaker – Treasurer
Betty Quintana (not pictured) – Trustee

Brenda was the CPWV’s secretary from 2004 to 2006 and has been a trustee since then. Jeff Becker was chairman from 2008-2011. Jeff Jarrell was re-elected to his second term as vice-chairman and is a Project Appleseed certified instructor. Denzil Sloan was the party’s first chairman from 2004-2007, and served as vice-chairman and then secretary from 2008 to present. Gene Stalnaker was also re-elected to treasurer, now in his third term since 2006.

Please extend a warm welcome to these fine leaders. Several platform positions were updated and adopted at this meeting and plans were made to continue building the party for the 2012 election year. The party will next be looking to fill eight Council Director positions at its February meeting to be announced. The escapees are on the loose. Laugh a little for freedom!