CPWV Lobbies for Party Qualification Bill

On Monday, February 14, 2011, three CPWV officers gave some Valentine’s Day love to our state legislators by spending the day at the Capitol Complex in Charleston and lobbying for Senate Bill 417. S.B. 417 (LINK: http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_text.cfm?billdoc=sb417%20intr.htm&yr=2011&sesstype=RS&i=417) was introduced earlier in the month by Senator Clark Barnes and would expand political party qualification nine-fold to any statewide office candidate who garnered at least 1% of the vote. Currently an organization of voters only has one (1) chance every four years with one (1) candidate for governor. Additionally, this bill provides a tenth way to qualify the party via voter registration numbers.

Party Chairman Jeff Becker, Vice-Chairman Jeffrey-Frank..Jarrell, and Phil Hudok spoke with most of the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee where this bill is currently held. We also spoke with members of the Senate Finance Committee where this bill will head next once released from Judiciary. And, we gave information sheets to a number of House Delegates to give them a heads-up. Delegate Jonathan Miller (R-Berkeley) has promised to introduce a companion House version of S.B. 417.

Achieving recognized party status is critical for us as it will relieve us from the burden of always having to petition for thousands of voter signatures to secure ballot access. This will save us untold financial and time resources and also allows us to wait until closer to the filling deadline to nominate our candidates. As is it now, since it takes so long to gather signatures, we have to get committed candidates several years ahead of time.

Please call the following state senators (9am-4pm, at least ask secretary to relay your message) and urge them to support this legislation. Ask the members of the Judiciary Committee to put S.B. 417 on the agenda and vote it out of committee. Ask members of the Finance Committee to look for this bill and vote it out of committee as soon as it comes to them. A KEY ADDITIONAL BENEFIT OF THIS BILL is that it will increase voter registration and voter turnout by providing more choices for voters. <-SELLING POINT

Senator Corey Palumbo [KANAWHA county, 8th Dist.] – Chairman, (304) 357-7880
Senator Mark Wills [MERCER county, 10th Dist.] – Vice-Chair, (304) 357-7843
Senator Robert Beach [MONONGALIA county, 13th Dist.], (304) 357-7919
Senator Richard Browning [WYOMING county, 9th Dist.], (304) 357-7807
Senator Karen Facemyer [JACKSON county, 4th Dist.], (304) 357-7855
Senator John Pat Fanning [McDOWELL county, 6th Dist.], (304) 357-7867
Senator Dan Foster [KANAWHA county, 17th Dist.], (304) 357-7866
Senator Evan Jenkins [CABELL county, 5th Dist.], (304) 357-7956
Senator Orphy Klempa [OHIO county, 1st Dist.], (304) 357-7918
Senator Brooks McCabe [KANAWHA county, 17th Dist.], (304) 357-7990
Senator Joseph Minard [HARRISON county, 12th Dist.], (304) 357-7904
Senator David Nohe [WOOD county, 3rd Dist.], (304) 357-7970
Senator Herb Snyder [JEFFERSON County, 16th Dist.], (304) 357-7957
Senator Gregory Tucker [NICHOLAS county, 11th Dist.], (304) 357-7906
Senator John Unger [BERKELEY county, 16th Dist.], (304) 357-7933
Senator Bob Williams [TAYLOR county, 14th Dist.], (304) 357-7995

Senator Roman Prezioso [MARION county, 13th Dist.], – Chairman (304) 357-7961
Senator Douglas Facemire [BRAXTON county, 12th Dist.], – Vice-Chair (304) 357-7845
Senator Donna Boley [PLEASANTS county, 3rd Dist.], (304) 357-7905
Senator Truman Chafin [MINGO county, 6th Dist.], (304) 357-7808
Senator Larry Edgell [WETZEL county, 2nd Dist.], (304) 357-7827
Senator Mike Green [RALEIGH county, 9th Dist.], (304) 357-7831
Senator Mike Hall [PUTNAM county, 4th Dist.], (304) 357-7901
Senator Walt Helmick [POCAHONTAS county, 15th Dist.], (304) 357-7980
Senator William Laird [FAYETTE county, 11th Dist.], (304) 357-7849
Senator Brooks McCabe (also on Judiciary) (304) 357-7990
Senator Ronald Miller [GREENBRIER county, 10th Dist.], (304) 357-7959
Senator Robert Plymale [WAYNE county, 5th Dist.], (304) 357-7937
Senator Ron Stollings [BOONE county, 7th Dist.], (304) 357-7939
Senator Dave Sypolt [PRESTON county, 14th Dist.], (304) 357-7914
Senator John Unger (Senate Majority Leader, also on Judiciary) (304) 357-7933
Senator Erik Wells [KANAWHA county, 8th Dist.], (304) 357-7841
Senator Jack Yost [BROOKE county, 1st Dist.], (304) 357-7984

Senator Jeff Kessler [Marshall county 2nd Dist.], (304) 357-7801

Senator Clark Barnes [RANDOLPH county, 15th Dist.], (304) 357-7973